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  • PBR Responds to COVID-19 Pandemic

    To our Clients, Suppliers and Employees

    1. All Business related travels have been suspended until further notice.

    2. All employees are advised to stay home if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 exposure including, cough, runny nose, fever or sore throat, must also self-isolate for 14 days and consult with Alberta Healths Help Link (811).

    3. Routinely reminding our employees of proper daily hygiene and house-keeping practices to maintain a clean and contamination free environment throughout the working space of the laboratory.

    4. We have a reporting procedure in place for our staff for any health related issues, including COVID-19 exposure. Staff showing any overt symptoms of COVID-19 exposure will be at once sent home and will not return untill medically declared free of the symptoms.

    5. As customarily required in our laboratory, all removable street clothes are kept in segregated areas outside the laboratory work space and disinfected with 70% ethanol.

    6. We are diligently practicing required social distancing within the laboratory space to the extent possible.

    7. All Client - and Supplier - visits have been replaced with telephone or e-mail contacts. Clients with ongoing projects are allowed in the laboratory under full compliance of our safety requirements.

    8. All sample and other deliveries are handled in rooms isolated from the main laboratory work area with all precautions including, proper disinfection and practicing required social distancing.

    9. Any critical and emergency repair service providers are asked about any exposure related symptoms and instructed to follow required hygiene and disinfection practices prior to entry to the laboratory.

    10. Custodial Service Provider has been informed and advised that staff dispatched to our facility are closely monitored for exposure and required not to dispatch any individual showing the symptoms of COVID-19 exposure.

    Laboratory Operation

    During the critical period of COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to assure our customers that we have taken all possible risk reduction measures to ensure our services delivery to you Uninterrupted. We will keep you timely posted if any interruptions in our services become unavoidable.